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General town (28th Nov 22 at 2:34am UTC)
Six fingers first guard the orchard in the town forest farm (a few acres of fruit trees). He is called "six-fingered" for two reasons: one is that he does have six fingers on one hand, and the other is his character. "Six fingers", in the local dialect, is an etymologically sophisticated and rather inelegant metaphor (the original text is "hand holding a cock as six fingers"), often compared to those who like to pretend to be a hero (one said to pretend to be a hot pepper) and show off in matters that have nothing to do with themselves. However, this Samadhi is all up to you, depending on the specific circumstances. For example, the six fingers of the town forest farm is not a person who likes to show off. He is said to be "full of six fingers", mainly because he has an extraordinary sense of responsibility-as long as people give him a little responsibility, even if it is only a little responsibility, he will immediately feel as if the rise and fall of the world depends on him. The forest farm is a town-run enterprise, which is paid monthly and sells grain. Six fingers is not a regular worker in the forest farm. He used to grow vegetables in the production team. After there was an educated youth in the brigade,Gear Reduction Motor, he was temporarily called to carry water for the newly opened canteen. Most of the people who can enter the town to run enterprises are more or less related to the cadres. He was born a rich peasant and belonged to "children who can be educated well". Before "good education", they were just like landlords and rich peasants. Therefore, when he left the production brigade, many people were indignant and felt that there was something wrong with the class line of the production brigade. Everyone knows that Sangye, the sister of the six-fingered tailor,24v Dc Motor With Gearbox, is the concubine of Yin Daoyan, the secretary of the brigade. That's the light on six fingers. Needless to say, Six Fingers must have felt guilty in his heart. Perhaps it is this kind of guilt that becomes the basis of the sense of responsibility of six fingers. He dressed neatly all day and buttoned his clothes up to the collar. Never open your neckline or roll up your sleeves and trouser legs, no matter how hot it is. What he did was really impeccable: the canteen's water vat was always full; it was hard to see the usual pools of water in front of the vat; the chopping board was washed to count the grain; there was never any ash accumulated in the stove; the hard firewood he chopped was piled as neatly as matches in a matchbox; and the bamboo fence he made for the vegetable garden seemed to be knitted. He occupied a corner in the warehouse of the canteen. This corner is tidied up like a bridal chamber: the table next to the head of the bed is a pesticide packing box, but it is white with white paper. The small oil lamp above (there was no electric lamp installed in the storeroom) had a spotless lampshade (the small oil lamp was bought by the government); his bed was covered with thick straw, which was carefully wrapped with two pieces of old gunny bags (used as mattresses) that had been washed white, so that not a single piece of straw could be exposed; a quilt, although full of patches, was always folded with edges and corners; and the pillow was the best indicator of his rigorous style. Influenced by the civilization brought by the educated youth, Vending Machine Motor ,Brushless Gear Motor, when he first got his wages in the forest farm, he quietly went to the town to buy a knitted jacquard pillow towel, which was obviously a rare luxury in his life. This caused great trouble to his life. In order not to hurt this noble anti-towel, he covered the pillow towel with a large cloth cut to the size of the pillow towel, and felt uneasy, and covered the cloth with an aging plastic film. When he slept, the hard membrane chirped and sang under his head. Why buy a pillow towel when you just use this plastic film to cover the pillow? Someone laughed at him. He smiled noncommittally. He probably decided in his heart that the pillow towel was necessary, because almost everyone in the forest farm had it-he wanted to make himself as much as possible as a regular worker in the forest farm. He tried to consolidate his present position from the impression of others and from his own psychology. But he was not subservient to anyone, said flattering words, or made any flattering moves, but tried to do his part. Neither lazy, nor touch even the smallest bit of cheap. One day at dinner, he suddenly found that his rice bowl, which was bought and distributed by the public, was missing. Originally, this kind of thing is the most common. Many of the more important properties in the forest farm are also being appropriated for private use day after day. What is a bowl. Just tell the person concerned and get another one.
But he felt very sad because he couldn't even keep a rice bowl. "Isn't it that the dead can't keep a coffin?" He said sadly, determined to get it back immediately. However, it is not convenient to make public inquiries, because it is likely to offend people. So he went out among the people eating in the empty place outside the canteen, walked slowly around them, bent down as if he were going to pick something up from the ground, and then looked at the bottom of the bowl in the hands of others, where the numbers were written. All the men had seen it, and the last bowl was in the hands of a female educated youth. The beauty in a short skirt sat gracefully with her legs apart on a small bench less than a foot high. The hand with which she carried the meal was placed on her bent knee, so low from the ground that it made the investigation of Six Fingers extremely difficult. However, despite some difficulties, he persevered. After a moment's hesitation, he clenched his teeth and bent down. As a result, it can be imagined that the female educated youth immediately jumped up from the small bench,12 Volt Motor With Gearbox, crying and shouting as if she had really lost her virginity at that moment. It was probably because of all this that the leader of the forest farm made Six Fingers the night watchman of the orchard. It was a brilliant decision. The thieves who hope to make their pockets solid in the golden autumn season have met their nemesis. Every year when the orchard is full of fruits, it is also the time when the leaders of the forest farm have a headache. The biggest threat to orchards actually comes from within the tree farm. Before Six Fingers was designated as the only night watchman, the orchard was on night duty by the regular workers of the forest farm in turn. This provided many of them with the opportunity to fall-the night shift was more effective in removing the fruit from the branches for no apparent reason.
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